Privacy Policy

Your Privacy Matters

BlueArc Systems, Inc. (“BlueArc,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) values the privacy of those who use our Services. This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) explains how we collect, use, and share information from our users (“you” or “your”). By using our Services, you agree to the collection, use, disclosure, and procedures this Privacy Policy describes.

Our Services

BlueArc serves two types of business customers:

  1. Platforms – leading enterprises that offer services to other businesses. Platforms can include ad networks, marketplaces, financial services, Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud services. BlueArc provides continuous trust to these Platforms by ensuring the businesses they serve are reputable and legitimate.
  2. Businesses – companies of all sizes that need a good reputation to do business with Platform service providers. BlueArc helps Businesses document and verify their identity and reputation so they can easily onboard and grow their business with the Platforms they choose. BlueArc also helps businesses manage their authorized employees and third party representatives.

BlueArc offers Platforms a trust service with data about the identity and reputation of millions of businesses. This data is collected from publicly available and third party sources. BlueArc also offers Platforms a verification service which verifies users as authorized representatives of a company. Authorized representatives can add more information about a company’s identity, business practices, and reputation.

If you are a Business, Platforms may ask you to go through BlueArc’s verification service. For us to verify you as an authorized representative, we may ask you to complete one or more of the following verification methods:

  • Verification of your business email address
  • Verification of one or more of your company’s social media, advertising or selling accounts
  • Verification of your personal social media accounts that provide information about your professional experience
  • Vouching by others in your company confirming that you are an authorized representative

If you are verified as an authorized representatives, you can append information to your company profile:

  • Adding and verifying accounts for your company’s digital footprint, such as your Facebook business profile, eBay selling account, or Google Ads account
  • Answering questions about your company (such as business category, age, etc)
  • Verifying relationships you have with other companies. For example, if you are an ad agency, you may verify your relationship with one or more of your clients
  • Providing details about how you intend to use a particular Platform’s services

Information we collect

We may collect a variety of information from or about you or your devices from various sources, as described below.

Information You Provide Directly to Us

If you are a Business going through BlueArc verification, we will ask you to provide information so we can verify you as an authorized representative of your company and enhance the profile of your company. What we ask depends on your circumstances, but may include:

  • Your name
  • Your email address(es)
  • Your phone number
  • Your job title, past experiences or qualifications
  • Social media URLs
  • Information about your company, such as:
  • Company legal name
  • When the company was founded
  • What business the company is in
  • Website address
  • Social media URLs
  • Selling or advertising accounts
  • Names and emails of other people who can help verify the information you provide

If a Business going through verification requests we reach out to you to help with the verification, we may collect information from you about your relationship to the requestor and about your company.

If you visit our website at, we collect any information you provide to us when you fill out our Contact Us or other marketing forms.

Information from public and 3rd-party sources

As part of the Service we provide Platforms, we verify the identity and assess the reputation, relationship and qualifications of Businesses that go through our verification process. We do this in part by collecting information from publicly available and third-party sources. For example, when you provide your company website URL, we will assess your website reputation by searching public and third party sources for references to that URL.

Information from Platforms

If a Platform asks you to go through our verification service, the Platform, in compliance with their privacy policy, may share information about you to improve the user experience and quality of the verification. For example, if the Platform shares with us your name and email address, we can streamline our flow by not asking you to re-enter that same information again.

Information We Collect When You Use Our Services

When you use our Services, we may receive your location information (for example, your IP address may indicate your general geographic region).

We receive information about the device and software you use to access our Services, including IP address, web browser type, operating system version, phone carrier and manufacturer, application installations, device identifiers, mobile advertising identifiers, and push notification tokens.

We and our third-party partners collect information using cookies, pixel tags, or similar technologies (e.g., web local storage). Our third-party partners, such as analytics partners, may use these technologies to collect information about your online activities over time. Cookies are small text files containing a string of alphanumeric characters. We may use both session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie disappears after you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to our Services.

Please review your web browser’s “Help” file to learn the proper way to modify your cookie settings. Please note that if you delete or choose not to accept cookies from the Service, you may not be able to utilize the features of the Service to their fullest potential.

How we use the information we collect

We use the personal and business information we collect as part of our Services:

  • To provide trust services to Platforms so they can ensure their business customers are reputable and legitimate
  • To enable businesses to document and verify their identity and reputation so that they can easily onboard and grow their business with the Platforms they choose.
  • To help businesses manage their authorized employees and third party representatives, such as ad agencies
  • To understand and analyze how you use our Services and develop new products, services, features, and functionality
  • To communicate with you, provide you with updates and other information relating to our Services, provide information that you request, respond to comments and questions, and otherwise provide customer support
  • To find and prevent fraud, and respond to trust and safety issues that may arise
  • For compliance purposes, including enforcing our legal rights, or as may be required by applicable laws and regulations or requested by any judicial process or governmental agency
  • For other purposes for which we provide specific notice at the time the personal information is collected

How we disclose information we collect

With Platforms

When a platform asks us to verify you and your business, we share the information you provide us back to the platform, along with an assessment of your reputation.

We save the information you provide us as part of your business’ profile. If you are asked by another platform to go through verification with BlueArc, we can show you the information you provided previously and you may be able to use that previous information without having to re-enter and re-verify it over again.

With others in your company

One Business could have multiple authorized representatives. Each authorized representative can see the company profile and the name, title, company email address, and LinkedIn profile (if available) of other authorized representatives. This transparency enables coordination of authorized representatives within a company.

With partners

We may disclose any information we receive with vendors, service providers, and partners retained in connection with the provision of our Services.

In certain legal situations

We may access, preserve, and disclose your information if we believe doing so is required or appropriate to: (a) comply with law enforcement requests and legal process, such as a court order or subpoena; (b) respond to your requests; or (c) protect your, our, or others’ rights, property, or safety. For the avoidance of doubt, the disclosure of your information may occur if you post any objectionable content on or through the Services.

We may transfer your information to service providers, advisors, potential transactional partners, or other third parties in connection with the consideration, negotiation, or completion of a corporate transaction in which we are acquired by or merged with another company, or we sell, liquidate, or transfer all or a portion of our assets.

Your choices

Personal account information

Upon your request to delete your personal information, we will delete your designated email address(es) and any personal information associated with those email addresses from our production servers and databases. This deletion may negatively affect the verification status of your company. Before you request deletion, we recommend you invite another representative of the company to take your place. Your company profile will remain intact even after you delete your personal information.

You can send your deletion request to

Marketing Communications

You can unsubscribe from our promotional emails via the link provided in the emails. Even if you opt out of receiving promotional messages from us, you will continue to receive administrative messages from us.

Do Not Track

There is no accepted standard on how to respond to Do Not Track signals, and we do not respond to such signals.

If you choose not to provide us with information we collect, some features of our Services may not work as intended.

Notice to California Residents

Under the CCPA, California Residents may:

  • Request to know what personal information we collect, store or use by emailing with the subject line “Right to Know.” Residents will be asked to supply additional information to verify their California residency such as an address or phone number. Upon a successful verification of residency BlueArc will respond to the initial request within 45 days.
  • Request the deletion of personal information associated with your designated email address(es) from our production servers and databases. This deletion may negatively affect the verification status of your company. Before you request deletion, we recommend you invite another representative of the company to take your place. Your company profile will remain intact even after you delete your personal information.
  • Request to opt-out of the sale of your personal information. BlueArc only provides personal information to our Platform customers. If you do not wish this information to be shared with Platform customers, you can request the deletion of personal information (per above)

Other Important Information


We make reasonable efforts to protect your information by using physical and electronic safeguards designed to improve the security of the information we maintain. However, as no electronic transmission or storage of information can be entirely secure, we can make no guarantees as to the security or privacy of your information.

International Visitors

Our Services are hosted in the United States (“U.S.”) and currently intended for visitors located within the U.S. If you choose to use our Services from the European Union or other regions of the world with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from U.S. law, then please note that you are transferring your personal information outside of those regions to the U.S. for storage and processing. Also, we may transfer your data from the U.S. to other countries or regions in connection with storage and processing of data, fulfilling your requests, and operating our Services. By providing any information, including personal information, on or to our Services, you consent to such transfer, storage, and processing.

Children Under the Age of 18

We do not knowingly collect, sell or share the Personal Data of consumers under 18 years of age, and no part of our Services are directed toward children under 18 years. If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information without your consent, please contact us at and we will work to delete it.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Statement at any time. We encourage you to visit this page often to read the effective version of this Privacy Statement. If you have any concerns or questions about this Privacy Statement, or if you would like to lodge a complaint, please contact

This Privacy Statement supersedes and controls over any other similar statement or policy found on our websites.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Statement, please contact us by emailing us at