Intelligent Know Your Business (KYB)

Delight good customers, stop bad actors, and reduce regulatory risk

Traditional KYB verifies just the legal entity and user identity. BlueArc Intelligent KYB provides a comprehensive risk assessment of the overall business.

Know your customers from the very start

Automated Research

Our systems research your customer, evaluate the reliability of each source, and build a risk-rated customer profile

Apply customer knowledge to every interaction

Customized Verification

Our chat-based verification leverages and builds on the customer profile, asking only what is needed

Risk-rated Customer Profile

We provide scores and evidence you can immediately use for automating risk decisions or augmenting manual review.

Overall Reputation


Business Identity

Facebook, X, YouTube

Business size

Est Revenue: $300k

Business category

Music, NFT Sale, blockchain, artist education

Online Footprint

2 major articles, 5 other articles, solid social media

Risk assessment

Consistent story across all sources

Leadership reputation

Well qualified founders per 3 articles, 4 other sources

We’ve built AI and Risk systems at

Google LogoWe pay by JPMorgan LogoEbay LogoCredit Suisse Logo

Co-Founder and CEO

John successfully built risk & verification systems at Google, eBay, and WePay (acquired by JPMorgan Chase).

Co-Founder and CTO

Kazoo pioneered generative AI for Google Ads and built counter-abuse models for use across Google.

Contact us

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Scaling and automating KYB online research

John Canfield
October 25, 2023
0 min read

Rising regulation and adversarial threats are pressuring risk and compliance teams to control costs and increase quality. One big opportunity is automating online research for Know Your Business (KYB) which today is largely done manually. When done well, automation saves costs while delivering deep and rigorous due diligence that can be plugged into other automated processes throughout the customer lifecycle...

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Risk systems need to know their business customers

John Canfield
August 3, 2023
0 min read

Across the industry, risk systems don’t really understand business customers.

Knowing a business is more than verifying their company name and address – it requires understanding a mix of business model, reputation, transactions, relationships, and key employees. A good business has substance in almost all of these dimensions. A fraudulent business has little verifiable substance...

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